
Prof. Zhen Zhang got a project grant ‘A nanoscale electronic hanging-bed for bacteria’ from Swedish Research Council. The grant size is 3.68 million SEK.

Leyi Zhang joined our group as a new master student,welcome.

Our paper “’Wafer-Scale Ag2S-based Memristive Crossbar Arrays with Ultra-low Switching-energies Reaching Biological Synapses” was accepted for publication in Nano-Micro Letters.

Our group had a wonderful boat trip to Skokloster Slott today.

Our paper “Nanotransistor-Based Gas Sensing with Record-High Sensitivity Enabled by Electron Trapping Effect in Nanoparticles” was accepted for publication in Nature Communications.

Our paper ’A Nanoribbon-Based Ion-Gated Lateral Bipolar Amplifier for Ion Sensing’, was ACCEPTED for publication in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.

Our coauthored paper ’Self-aligned formation of superconducting sub-5 nm PtSi films’, was ACCEPTED for publication in APL Quantum.

George Alhoush was admitted as a new PhD student to our group, congratulations!

We had a wonderful team building day today.

Victoria Nolan joined our group as a new postdoc, welcome.

Yuan Zhu successfully defended his PhD thesis today. Big congratulations!

Yingtao Yu successfully defended his PhD thesis today. Big congratulations!

Our paper ’Interface Resistance-Switching with Reduced Cyclic Variations for Reliable Neuromorphic Computing’, was ACCEPTED for publication in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.

Our group had a wonderful boat trip to Sandhamn today.

Our collaborator, Prof. Mauro Chinappi from University of Rome Tor Vergata, visited our lab today.

Our paper ’Shallow junction formation via lateral boron autodoping during rapid thermal process’, was ACCEPTED for publication in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.

Our paper ‘Surface-particle interactions control the escape time of a particle from a nanopore-gated nanocavity system: a coarse-grained simulation’, was ACCEPTED for publication in Nanoscale.

Yihan Wang was admitted to our group as a new Phd student.

George Alhoush joined our group as a Master student.

Prof. Zhen Zhang gave a popular science introduction of our research in Upptalk. See the recorded video in the following youtube link:

Our joint patent ‘Method for producing a superconducting transistor’ was filed in France.

Our patent ‘A device, a system and a method for performing antibiotic susceptibility tests’ was filed in Sweden.

Our patent ‘FET gas sensor device’ was filed in Sweden.

We had a nice group dinner in Restaurang Tzatziki today. Prof. Daniel Primetzhofer was also invited.

Our article “A full-inorganic flexible Ag2S memristor with interface resistance-switching for energy-efficient computing” was accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

Our coauthored paper “Flexible thermoelectrics based on ductile semiconductors” was published in Science.

Our paper ‘DNA compaction and dynamic observation in a nanopore gated sub-attoliter silicon nanocavity’, was ACCEPTED for publication in Nanoscale.

Qitao Hu was awarded ‘the Chinese government award for outstanding self-financed students abroad’, big congratulations!

Our paper ‘Detection of Gingipain Activity Using Solid State Nanopore Sensors’, was ACCEPTED for publication in Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical.

Our paper ‘Analysis of Low Frequency Noise in Schottky Junction Trigate Silicon Nanowire FET on Bonded SOI Substrate’, was ACCEPTED for publication in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.

Our coauthored paper “Docking and Activity of DNA Polymerase on Solid-State Nanopores” was accepted for publishing in ACS sensors.

Our group member Qitao Hu received a generous grant today from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to support his postdoctoral study at Stanford University. Big congratulations!

Our article “High performance full-inorganic flexible memristor with combined resistance-switching” was accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

We are recruiting two new postdocs to our project on rapid antibiotic resistance tests using electronic sensors. See the announcement here .

Our coauthored paper “Direct Transition from Ultrathin Orthorhombic Dinickel Silicides to Epitaxial Nickel Disilicide Revealed by In-Situ Synthesis and Analysis” was accepted for publishing in Small.

Our article “All-electrical antibiotic susceptibility testing within 30 minutes using silicon nano transistors” was accepted for publication in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.

Professor Zhen Zhang received 2.4 Msek grant from Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist to continue our study on rapid antibiotic resistance tests using electronic sensors. Two new postdocs will be hired to this project in 2022.

Our article “Ion Sensing with Single Charge Resolution Using Sub-10 nm Electrical Double Layer Gated Silicon Nanowire Transistors”, was published in Science Advances.

Our coauthored paper “Phase-modulated mechanical and thermoelectric properties of Ag2S1-xTex ductile semiconductors” was accepted for publishing in Journal of Materiomics.

Our coauthored paper “Self-Limited Formation of Bowl-Shape Nanopores for Directional DNA Translocation” was accepted for publishing in ACS Nano.

Xingxing Xu was awarded ‘the Chinese government award for outstanding self-financed students abroad’, big congratulations!

Dr. Robert Zando joined the group as a new Postdoc researcher.

Our research is featured in the website of Wallenberg Foundation (

Our coauthored article “Facile one-step synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic activity of WC/ferroelectric nanocomposite” was accepted for publishing in Journal of Materials Chemistry A.

Funing Liu joined the group as a new PhD student.

Our article “Redox Buffering Effects in Potentiometric Detection of DNA Using Thiol modified Gold Electrodes” was accepted for publishing in ACS sensors.

Qitao Hu defended his Ph.D thesis and became a real Ph.D. Congratulations!

Our article “Ultra-low noise Schottky junction tri-gate silicon nanowire FET on bonded silicon-on-insulator substrate” was accepted for publishing in IEEE Electron Device Letters.

Prof. Zhen Zhang was awarded a 5-year extension (senior phase) of his Wallenberg Academy Fellow grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW). It will come with an additional 16.25 million SEK grant (8.75 million SEK from KAW and 7.5 million SEK match funding from Uppsala University) to support our study on Silicon technology based single molecule trapping and analysis. The technical foundation of this new project was created by the excellent work of the whole research group during the past 5 years. Cheers!

See the official announcement here

Our coauthored article “Dynamics of DNA Clogging in Hafnium Oxide Nanopores” was accepted for publishing in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.

Our article “A suspended silicon single-hole transistor as an extremely scaled gigahertz nanoelectromechanical beam resonator” was accepted for publication in Advanced Materials.

Shuangshuang Zeng was awarded ‘the Chinese government award for outstanding self-financed students abroad’, congratulations!

Our article “Improving Selectivity of Ion-Sensitive Membrane by Polyethylene Glycol Doping” was accepted for publishing in Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical.

Our coauthored article “In-situ Nanoscale Characterization of Composition and Structure during Formation of Ultrathin Nickel Silicide” was accepted for publishing in Applied Surface Science.

Our article “Peptide Decorated Gold Nanoparticle/Carbon Nanotube Electrochemical Sensor for Ultrasensitive Detection of Matrix Metalloproteinase-7” was accepted for publishing in Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical.

Our coauthored article “Domain wall free polar structure enhanced photodegradation activity in nanoscale ferroelectric BaxSr1-xTiO3” was accepted for publishing in Advanced Energy Materials.

Our coauthored article “Rapid Four-Point Sweeping Method to Investigate Hysteresis of MoS2 FET” was accepted for publishing in IEEE Electron Device Letters.

Framtidensforskning published a short introduction of our research.

Our coauthored article “Crystalline structure dependent mechanical and thermoelectric performance in Ag2Se1-xSx system” was accepted for publishing in Research (a science partner journal).

Our coauthored article “Ultrahigh Field-Induced Strain in Lead-Free Ceramics ” was accepted for publishing in Nano Energy.

Our article “Selective sensing of recombinant viral dengue virus 2 NS1 based on Au nanoparticles decorated multiwalled carbon nanotubes composites” was accepted for publishing in Microchimica Acta.

Our coauthored article “In-situ characterization of ultrathin nickel silicides using 3D medium-energy ion scattering” was accepted for publishing in Scientific Reports (nature).

Our article “Current gain enhancement for silicon-on-insulator lateral bipolar junction transistors operating at liquid-helium temperature” was accepted for publication in IEEE Electron Device Letters.

Shuangshuang defended his Ph.D thesis and became a real Ph.D. Congratulations!

Our article “Mechanism and kinetics of lipid bilayer formation in solid-state nanopores” was accepted for publication in Langmuir.

Xingxing Xu defended her Ph.D thesis and became a real Ph.D. Congratulations!

Our article “Estimating Detection Limits of Potentiometric DNA sensors Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Analyses” was accepted for ACS Sensors.

Our article “Effects of Substrate Bias on Low-Frequency Noise in Lateral Bipolar Transistors Fabricated on Silicon-on-Insulator Substrate” was accepted for publication in IEEE Electron Device Letters (2019)

Prof. Zhen Zhang got a VR project with 4.4 million SEK grant to develop low noise electronic sensors for medical applicatoins.

Our article “Structural Changes of Mercaptohexanol Self-assembled Monolayers on Gold and their Influence on Impedimetric Aptamer Sensors” was accepted for publishing in Analytical Chemistry.

Our article “Synergy of ionic and dipolar effects by molecular design for pH sensing beyond the Nernstian limit” was accepted for publishing in Advanced Science

Our article “On rectification of ionic current in nanopores” was accepted for publishing in Analytical Chemistry.

Our article “A nanopore array of individual addressability enabled by integrating microfluidics and a multiplexer,” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Sensors Journal.

Our paer ‘Rectification of protein translocation in truncated pyramidal nanopores’ was published in Nature Nanotechnology.

Jiyue Wu joined our group as a new postdoctoral researcher

Lukas Jablonka defended his Ph.D thesis. Congratulations!

Chenyu Wen defended his Ph.D thesis and became a real Ph.D. Congratulations!

Yuan Zhu joined our group as a new Phd student

We had a very productive group workshop at Steningevik: Nice conference place, perfece food and fruitful brainstorming.

Our article “Electronic interaction of slow hydrogen and helium ions withnickel-silicon systems” was accepted for publishing in Physical Review A.

Our article “Controlled size reduction and its underlying mechanism to form solid-state nanopores via electron beam induced carbon deposition” was accepted for publishing in Nanotechnology (DOI:10.10881361-6528/ab39a2)

Our paper “Low Noise Schottky Junction Tri-gate Silicon Nanowire Field-effect Transistor for Charge Sensing” was published in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, (2019), DOI: 10.1109/TED.2019.2930067

Our paper ‘Top-bottom gate coupling effect on low frequency noise in a Schottky junction gated silicon nanowire field-effect transistor’was publishedin IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, (2019), DOI:10.1109/JEDS.2019.2929163.

Our article ‘Metal filling by high power impulse magnetron sputtering’ was accepted for publication in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (2019) 365202.

Xi Chen defended her Ph.D thesis and became a real Ph.D. Congratulations!

We opened a postdoc announcement for the research on antibiotic susceptibility test using electronic sensors.

Our paper ‘Autogenic analyte translocation in nanopores was published online in Nano Energy.

Prof. Zhen Zhang gave an invited talk ‘A novel gate junction design for low noise Si Nanowire ISFET Sensor application’ in the China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC) 2019, Shanghai.*

Prof. Zhen Zhang received a grant from Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist to support our study on rapid antibiotic resistance tests using electronic sensors.

Our paper ‘Device noise reduction for silicon nanowire field-effect-transistor based sensors by using a Schottky junction gate’ was published in ACS sensors.

Prof. Zhen Zhang got a VR project ‘High-performance Flexible Thermoelectric Materials and Devices’ with 3 million SEK grant.

Our article ‘Revisiting the Factors Influencing Gold Electrodes Prepared Using Cyclic Voltammetry’, was published in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.

Our annual group workshop took place in Visby, where we reviewed our results and discussed new ideas.

Our article “Nanoarrays on Passivated Aluminum Surface for Site-Specific Immobilization of Biomolecules” was published in ACS Applied Bio Materials.

Our paper (in collaboration with University of London, Queen Mary) ‘Perovskite Srx(Bi1-xNa0.97-xLi0.03)0.5TiO3 ceramics with polar nano regions for high power energy storage’ was published in Nano Energy.

Our paper “Current Gain and Low-Frequency Noise of Symmetric Lateral Bipolar Junction Transistors on SOI”, has been accepted for Lecture presentation at the 2018 European Solid-State Device Research conference (ESSDERC), to be held in Dresden, Germany from 3-6 September 2018.

Our article “Multiplexed Analysis of Molecular and Elemental Ions Using Nanowire Transistor Sensors” was published in Sensors and Actuators B.

Dr. Quentin Palomar joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher.

Dr. Zhen Zhang was promoted to a full professor in electronics at Uppsala University.

Dr. Zhen Zhang gave an invited talk ‘Low-frequency noise originating from the dynamic hydrogen ion reactivity at the solid/liquid interface of ion sensors’ in the China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC) 2018, Shanghai.

Our paper ‘A physical model for rapid and accurate determination of nanopore size via conductance measurement’ was accepted for publication in ACS sensors.

We had a very productive group workshop at Haga Slott.

Umut Cindemir joined the group as a new postdoctoral researcher.

Our paper ‘Systematic Approach to the Development of Microfabricated Biosensors: Relationship between Gold Surface Pretreatment and Thiolated Molecule Binding’ was accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.

Our paper ‘Correlation of Low-Frequency Noise to the Dynamic Properties of the Sensing Surface in Electrolytes’ was accepted for publication in ACS Sensors.

Our paper ‘An impedance model for the low-frequency noise originating from the dynamic hydrogen ion reactivity at the solid/liquid interface’ was accepted for publication in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemica.

Da Zhang defended his Ph.D thesis and became a real Ph.D. Congratulations!

Docent Michel Calame from the University of Basel gave a talk ‘A silicon-based platform for biochemical sensing’.

Dr. Chiao-Wei Tseng joined the group as a new researcher.

Prof. Zhen Zhang’s was promoted from an assistant professor to an associate professor.

Prof. Zhenqiang Wang from University of South Dakota, USA visited our group and gave a talk “Metal-Organic Supercontainers and Their Applications”.

Dr. Yu Zhu, Manager of Advanced Materials Characterization Group at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, visited our group and gave a talk “Application of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) in Future Technology Development”.

Our article “Biomimetic supercontainers for size-selective electrochemical sensing of molecular ions” was accepted for publication in Nature: Scientific Reports.

We are featured in the recent edition of Universen.

Our article “Generalized Noise Study of Solid-State Nanopores at Low Frequencies” has been published in ACS Sensors.

Our article “Formation of nickel germanides from Ni layers with thickness below 10 nm” has been published in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B.

Prof. Zhen Zhang was appointed as one of the 20 new Future Research Leaders by the Swedish Foundation of Strategic Research (SSF) with a 12 million SEK grant.

Our article “Aged hydrogen silsesquioxane for sub-10 nm line patterns” has been published in Microelectronic Engineering.

We have published an article “On nanopore DNA sequencing by signal and noise analysis of ionic current” in Nanotechnology.

Si Chen joined the group as a new researcher.

Our article “Direct assessment of solid–liquid interface noise in ion sensing using a differential method” was published in Applied Physics Letters.

Asta Makaravičiūtė joined the group as a new postdoctoral researcher.

Lukas Jablonka gave a talk at MAM conference in Brussels titled “Scalability study of nickel germanides”.

Prof. Zhen Zhang was appointed Wallenberg Academy Fellow.

Xingxing Xi and Shuangshuang Zeng joined the group as new PhD students.

Our group is featured in the 2014 annual report of the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF).

Nathan Netzer joined the group as a new postdoctoral researcher.

Indrek Must joined the group as a new postdoctoral researcher.

Prof. Z. Zhang got a Carl Tryggers Grant to support a postdoc fellow.

Prof. Zhen Zhang’s group demonstrated sub-10 nm nano-structures using the newly installed electron beam lithography tool.

Prof. Zhen Zhang got the Young Researcher Grant from the Swedish research council (VR) 4 million SEK. And the framework project ‘The 3NANO electronic sensor for single-base detection’ led by Prof. Shili Zhang (Prof. Zhen Zhang is a co-PI) was also granted with 9 million SEK from VR.

Our first IGBA sensor was published in Applied Physics Letters.

Prof. Yi-Chia Chou from National Chiao Tung University-Taiwan visited Prof. Zhen Zhang’s group. She gave a talk titled “Atomic scale analysis on nanomaterials and nanostructures”.

Lukas Jablonka joined Prof. Zhen Zhang’s group as a new Ph.D student.

Dr. Paul Solomon from IBM Watson Research Center visited Prof. Zhen Zhang’s group. He gave a talk titled “New Device Concepts for beyond CMOS scaling” and built the setup for low frequency noise measurements in Prof. Zhang’s lab.

Prof. Zhen Zhang received the Göran Gustafssons pris till yngre forskare (with 0.5 million SEK personal grant).

Prof. Zhen Zhang gave an invited talk “Schottky barrier engineering” in International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (ULIS), Stockholm, Sweden.

Xi Chen joined Prof. Zhen Zhang’s group as a new Ph.D student.

Prof. Zhen Zhang gave an invited talk “Advanced contact technology for extremely scaled device applications” in China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC), Shanghai, China.

33 million SEK was granted to research ‘Ge nano-transistor for sequential 3D integration’ (PI: Prof. M. Östling at KTH) by Swedish Strategic Research Foundation (SSF). Prof. Zhen Zhang’s group gets 8.6 million SEK by leading the interconnect work package.

Prof. Zhen Zhang received the Ingvar Carlsson Award (with 3 million SEK personal grant) from Swedish Strategic Research Foundation (SSF).